clinical massage therapies

Massage therapy can be traced back to ancient times and has been used to improve health in its multitude of forms ever since. At Dynamic Rebalance we specialize in only a few so that we can bring our clients the focus they require and the expertise they deserve at every session. If you are looking to relax in a spa-like setting then we aren’t the place for you. We don’t aim to be an occasional retreat but rather an integral part of your routine that restores health, balance, flexibility and strength.

Your body does a lot for you. Return the favor in a way that restores physical and mental wellness. We are extensively trained and licensed massage therapists using clinical massage techniques to give you the best massage of your life, backed by science and medicine. It's therapeutic, handcrafted, and personalized.

Now accepting HSA and FSA healthcare insurance cards.

Massage Therapists near me
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Lymphatic Massages

Our lymphatic services cover a wide range of therapies including Lymphedema Therapy, Post Lipo/Cosmetic Surgery Therapy and Scar Therapy. Click through to find more detailed information on our specialty.

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Deep Tissue Massage

A form of bodywork that aims to relieve tension in the deeper layers of tissue in the body, deep tissue massage is a highly effective method for releasing chronic stress areas due to misalignment, repetitive motions, and past lingering injuries. A deep tissue massage is a longer process of getting the muscles to relax so the massage therapist can get to the lower layer of connective tissue. It involves applying sustained pressure using slow, deep strokes to target the inner layers of your muscles and connective tissues.

If you love to workout, have chronic musculoskeletal pain or want to improve overall health including sleep then try a deep tissue massage.

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Assisted stretch Therapy

Stretch therapists target trigger point work and specific forms of stretching that can improve range of motion, increase flexibility and help prevent injury, get rid of general aches and pains, improve posture, increase blood flow and oxygen to the muscles, improve digestion, and help you relax.

Stretching is certainly great for the body, but assisted stretching? That just takes the benefits to a whole other level.

So what are you waiting for? Have a stretch specialist help you feel better today.

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athletic performance massage

Athletic Performance Massage enhances performance and prolongs a sports career by helping to prevent injury, reduce pains and swelling in the body, relax the mind, increase flexibility, and dramatically improve recovery rates.  This massage is also highly effective in aiding the rapid recovery of an athlete from an injury by helping the body remove blood lactate and by encouraging greater kinesthetic awareness and in turn promoting the body’s natural immune function. Simply, it is massage designed to help active people prevent and address injuries while engaging in their favorite sport.

Athletic Performance Massage also provides athletes relaxation benefits, a factor can help them get into a better mental state not only for an event, but for life in general.  

CBD massage

CBD Massage

CBD has many physical benefits you can reap by having it massaged into your skin. It helps to alleviate inflammation, reduce pain, improve blood pressure, improve the health and appearance of skin, aid in muscle recovery, and much more. 

 CBD can be added to any of the massages we offer.

By combining the many benefits of CBD and massage, you can help reduce unwanted symptoms like pain or inflammation while increasing overall physical health and well being.

normatec compression boots chicago

normatec compression boots

NormaTec is an innovative technology that uses air pressure massage to relieve muscle aches and/or pain and to temporarily increase circulation to the treated areas.

Many leading athletes, trainers and fitness enthusiasts around the world currently use this technology. These are sophisticated systems that effectively mimic the natural motions of the arms and legs to remove metabolites and fluids from the limbs after intense activity. The pulsing movements are helpful for preventing injuries and accelerating recovery time.

Ready to Revitalize?